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Our Research

Interdisciplinary approaches bring together scientists from biology, computer science, language sciences, mathematics, medicine, pharmacy, physics, psychology and sports science. In their projects they join forces to understand the healthy and diseased brain.
In the field of Behavioral and System Neurosciences researchers study the functions of the human mind and behavior in an integrated way, using highly realistic contexts, delivered through innovative technologies, such as virtual reality, computer graphics and artificially controlled colour and illumination environments. These techniques make it possible to combine the full richness of human experiences and behavior in naturalistic conditions, with rigorous scientific control.
The strategic importance of the Neurosciences and Psychology is also documented by recently launched research-oriented Master study programmes. These research activities and individualized training concepts allow to attract the most talented international students and early stage researchers to central Hesse and provide them with state-of-the-art infrastructure for their training and research work.
The scientists at the CMBB have established an outstanding national and international reputation over the last two decades. This context of excellence provides a unique platform for the further development of existing and future collaborative research enterprises.