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Transfer at the CMBB

As an interdisciplinary, inter-university centre, the CMBB works on a wide range of socially relevant issues relating to the mind, brain and behavior. The transfer of the resulting scientific findings is a central concern. The CMBB understands transfer as the bilateral exchange of knowledge between the academic and the non-academic world, in particular with regard to three fields of action. Firstly, the transfer of scientific findings from basic research into applications (e.g. in the industrial, medical, medical-technical, pharmaceutical or psychotherapeutic fields) (apply). Secondly, the active promotion and design of the exchange between science and the general public as well as the professional public (communicate). And thirdly, advising actors in politics, society, associations and business to enable them to understand and apply scientific knowledge and its prerequisites and limits (advise).
Applying science
Scientists at the CMBB work with regional and national companies to transfer scientific findings into applications, e.g. in the fields of measurement technology or pharmaceuticals (e.g. Thomas Recording Giessen, Avisoft Bioacoustics e.K., Zeller, Schwabe). In addition, scientists at the CMBB are involved in the translation of basic research into clinical-medical and psychotherapeutic applications.
Science communication
The working groups of the CMBB take part in various outreach events, such as the Children's Universities of the Universities of Marburg and Giessen, Girls' and Boys' Days or the Street of Experiments of the University of Giessen. They also regularly communicate their knowledge and research findings in public lectures and in print and online media. For example, the CMBB Neurocolloquium, an event open to the university, brings the latest findings in neuroscience to the general public. We also work with local and regional schools to engage students at an early age with our topics through exciting lectures and events.
Scientific advice
CMBB scientists provide advice to associations (e.g. Alliance against Depression) or actors from society (e.g. Citizens' Initiative for Social Psychiatry in Marburg) and politics (e.g. state ministries). Communication and consultation also play an important role, as does work in various funding organisations, scientific societies and professional associations (e.g. German Research Foundation, German Society for Psychosomatic Medicine and Medical Psychotherapy, German Neuroscience Society, German Pharmaceutical Society, Pharmacists' and Doctors' Chambers), in which the CMBB is also strongly represented.