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Prof. Dr. Dipl.-Phys. Jochen Triesch

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Research interests

My research lies at the interface of Neuroscience and Artificial Intelligence. On the one hand, we develop machine learning techniques to help us better understand brain data, e.g., in order to diagnose brain diseases. On the other hand, I am trying to understand how our brain can learn so much more autonomously than today’s artificial intelligences and how it can flexibly and adaptively apply the acquired knowledge to solve countless different tasks. The foundations of these abilities are formed during our development. Studying the computational principles underlying cognitive development, will enable us to build artificial intelligences that learn in a similarly autonomous fashion.

Personal Information
Name: Prof. Dr. Dipl.-Phys. Jochen Triesch
Affiliation: Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies and Goethe University Frankfurt
Address: Ruth-Moufang-Str. 1, 60438 Frankfurt, Germany

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