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Projects in Focus
A million points of view

How does visual perception work?
Do two people looking at the same picture see the same thing?
Or is perception individual?
Scientists at the Center for Mind Brain and Behavior are trying to answer this question with an unusual research project funded by the European Research Council. They are measuring the eye movements of 10,000 visitors to the Mathematikum, a hands-on museum in Giessen.

This project is part of INDIVISUAL, which is funded by the European Research Council Starting Grant 852885.
Study on visual perception in eye diseases

Millions of humans suffer from eye diseases leading to a spatially limited loss of vision. Researchers from the CMBB and the eye clinic at the UKGM investigate what patients perceive in the affected area and how the brain completes the missing information to close the gap.
This project is part of SENCES, which is funded by the European Research Council Consolidator Grant 101001250.