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Example Projects

Scientists at the CMBB work with regional and national companies (apply), organise and participate in outreach events (communicate) and advise associations and actors from society and politics (advise).
Here we present selected transfer projects and transfer activities of our researchers.
Transfer at CMBB: Example Projects
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Novel Parkinson's Diagnosis TOM (Prof. Dr. Bremmer, Prof. Dr. Timmermann, Thomas RECORDING GmbH)
Foto: Stefan Dowiasch
Since June 2018, Prof. Dr. Lars Timmermann and Prof. Dr. Frank Bremmer have been collaborating with Thomas RECORDING GmbH to develop a novel neuromedical diagnostic system for the early individual detection of Parkinson's disease. Parkinson's disease causes subtle but characteristic changes in the eye movements of patients. These changes can be induced by certain stimuli (e.g. video clips) and detected by special intelligent algorithms, sometimes even in the early stages of the disease without any other visible symptoms. Soon, the research team hopes to use a tablet (TOM - mobile) and special software to make diagnosis much easier and better. For differential and fine diagnosis, another, much more powerful system (TOM - stationary) is available, which can detect even the smallest differences in eye movements.
In the future, the devices will be able to have the results of the measurements analysed by an AI in the cloud and make the graphical processing available to the attending physician. The system should then be able to provide the correct, individualised therapy and quickly select the appropriate medication and dosage at a much earlier stage. This would reduce or even eliminate the side effects of unnecessary therapy and the costs of incorrect treatment. The system is introduced in this video (German only!).
Prof. Dr. Lars Timmermann is Director of the Department of Neurology at the University of Marburg (more information here).
Prof. Dr. Frank Bremmer is head of the Department of Neurophysics at the University of Marburg (more information here).Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen New standards in trampoline gymnastics (Prof. Dr. Müller, Dr. Ferger)
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Prof. Dr. Hermann Müller and Dr. habil. Katja Ferger are leading a joint project to develop a new system for the simultaneous recording, processing and editing of competition data in trampoline gymnastics.
The system includes sensors for recording static and dynamic forces, an evaluation unit and the output of the data digitally, on a display or in a video stream. Funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, the system was developed and implemented in close cooperation with the internationally active company Eurotramp Trampoline Kurt Hack GmbH and Wassing Messtechnik GmbH.
The project is a significant contribution to the long-term development of trampolining in terms of public appeal, marketability and systematic training and performance management. More information can be found here.
Prof. Dr. Hermann Müller is also head of the Department of Training Science, which plays a key role in the training of future sports teachers at the Justus Liebig University of Giessen.Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Science for everyone (Prof. Dr. Kircher)
Foto: privat
Prof. Dr. med. Tilo Kircher has been organising public lectures on psychiatry and psychotherapy for many years. The lectures are given by experts in the field and are very well received by the public. Topics range from "depression", "treatment", "causes of mental disorders" to "suicidality and prevention". The lectures for the general public and other events such as readings and concerts on these topics are partly organised in cooperation with the "Bündnis gegen Depression Marburg-Biedenkopf". Further information can be found here.
Prof. Dr. med. Tilo Kircher is also Director of the University Hospital for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy. Through the University Hospital Marburg (UKGM), he offers optimal maximum care diagnostics and treatment for all mental problems and disorders as well as accompanying physical illnesses. More information can be found here.
There are also regular open days where staff give an insight into the treatment programme of a psychiatric hospital.Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Science in schools (Prof. Dr. Rummel, Prof. Dr. Herden)
Foto: Ulrike Selmayr
Together with other working groups in veterinary medicine and sports science, the working groups of apl. Prof. Dr. med. vet. Christoph Rummel and Prof. Dr. med. vet. Christiane Herden have been offering the course "Neuroscience in Veterinary Medicine - Learning and Teaching" with great success since the winter semester 2011/12. To date, more than 900 students from a total of seven schools with different focuses (vocational school, high school, special school) have attended the seminars with practical exercises carried out by veterinary students and doctoral candidates. They teach the students about neuroscience and diseases of the nervous system using the concept of research-based learning and small practical exercises.
Read more about the Department of Veterinary Medicine's work with schools here. The research of apl. Prof. Dr. med. vet. Christoph Rummel's research deals with the communication of the immune system with the brain in diseases and that of Prof. med. vet. Christiane Herden deals with infections of the brain. Rummel is spokesman for the Neuroscience Section of the International Giessen Graduate Centre for the Life Sciences and co-founder of the European Psychoneuroimmunology Network (EPN).Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Advising the WHO (Prof. Dr. Rief)
Foto: / Pressmaster
Prof. Dr. Winfried Rief and Prof. Dr. Rolf-Detlef Treede led an international working group that developed a new classification of chronic pain with seven categories. This has been included in the new version of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11). Published by the World Health Organization (WHO), the ICD is the global standard for classifying diseases, used in more than 150 countries and translated into more than 40 languages. The ICD-11 classification of chronic pain is being evaluated in several international field studies, including a collaboration with the WHO. The project is coordinated by the University of Marburg, Germany.
Further information is available here.
Prof. Dr. Winfried Rief also directs the Marburg Psychotherapy Outpatient Clinic, which treats patients with a wide range of psychological disorders. Cognitive behavioural therapy, neuropsychological and psychophysiological treatment elements are used. The implementation of therapy is closely linked to psychotherapy research: new treatment options are developed and existing ones improved.Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Advising politics (Prof. Dr. Kruse)
Logo: HMSI
Prof. Dr. med. Johannes Kruse is head of the Mental Health Working Group of the “Gemeinsames Landesgremium”(joint state committee) according to §90a SGB V in Hessen. This committee includes representatives of the medical specialties, the State Associations for Medical Doctors and Psychotherapists, health insurances, the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians, the German Hospital Federation, “Selbsthilfe” (self-help), and the State of Hesse. Together, they are developing solutions to current problems in cross-sectoral care, in the psychosocial care of oncological patients or of migrants. The committee is currently analysing the situation of children and adolescents with mental disorders under the Corona conditions and developing proposals for optimisation.
At the federal level, Prof. Dr. med. Johannes Kruse is a member of the Scientific Advisory Board for Psychotherapy, which advises the German Medical Association and the Federal Associaton of Psychotherapists on issues relating to the recognition of psychotherapeutic procedures. He is also spokesman for the Standing Conference of Medical Psychotherapeutic Associations and in this capacity advises the German Medical Association on psychotherapy issues (member of the Medical Psychotherapy Working Group).
Prof. Dr. med. Johannes Kruse is also Director of the Clinic for Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy at the University Hospital of Giessen and Marburg (UKGM). The clinic treats patients with a personalised therapy concept that considers both physical and mental suffering. More information can be found here.